Auchi polytechnic Royalties mini picnic tagged: A royal rainbow picnic, in honor of Face of Okpella Beauty Pageant.

 Auchi polytechnic Royalties mini picnic tagged: A royal rainbow picnic,  in honor of Face of Okpella Beauty Pageant.

The Auchi poly royalties had a picnic on 12th may 2023 at Bonjul Hotel and Suites. The picnic was intended to bring all crown kings and sisters of different departments together.

The picnic was colorful as it was graced with the presence of Queen Hannah Daniels (Face of Okpella Nigeria). Queen Hannah Daniel who came as an ambassador of her agency urges every royalty to join and support her as she prepares to carry out her pet project.

During her speech she addressed the royalties giving them advice and encouragement. Highlights of the events were the Student union vice president Ogidan gift ibukun aka (Dorothy) who appreciated the agency and the queen for the impact she had given to the royalties. Mr poly King Dominic Umoru and miss poly Busurah Umoru expressed their gratitude and promised on behalf of all royalties to give queen Hannah all the support she'll be needing and their presence.

Amongst all royalties Dominic Marvis (Mr applied science), miss talented Auchi poly, Queen Hannah's chaperone Agnes prosper oselenye were not left out. Photos and videos of the special guest queen Hannah Daniels were taken alongside that of every royalty with her as well.

Queen Hannah's manager also extended her gratitude on behalf of the agency and reminds the royalties what the picnic has achieved In the end "FRIENDSHIP & ALLIANCE".

#FaceOfOkpella #MOBPNLifeStyle


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